EasyTCG FM by Bloo (github)
Card search script by Daggles
Additional eTCG mods by Dite & Exposure Forums
Card sort resources and more by Rizu
Ships coding for collecting decks by Ten
Level progress bar by Jennifer & styling by Emelie
Needed cards mod assistance by Kriss
Show text card categories mod by Joey
Show pending in keeps modifciation with text by Kupo
Show needed cards as a list mod & more by Caitlin
Starlight currency code by Amber
Card sorter & other eTCG mods by Danni
Card counter by Lina
List decknames in a category mod by Andie
Layout by
Hades images from The Spriters Resource & Hades Wiki
Trading buddy pixels from here
Custom cursor from the Hades game files
Other pixels from Pixel-Soup & Fool Lovers
Image rotator code by Matt Mullenweg
Tooltip styling code
Cassidy @ Milkbaeri